Company Profile #21038

The company was dissolved!

Wisconsin Empire Trucking

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
Wisconsin Empire Trucking company is very active and very realistic we're trying to make it as real as possible, we are looking for very active members to join and help create a monster company so that we can take over and be at least in the top five companies in TrucksBook, there is an infinite amount of room to grow so come join the family.

Drivers weekly miles:
Co CEO: 2500 miles.
GM: 2000 miles.
Human Resources: 1500 miles.
State Management: 1300 miles.
Division Management: 1250 miles.
Driver Management: 1200 miles.
Recruiter: 1000 miles.
Senior Driver: 900 miles.
Junior Driver: 800 miles.
New Driver: 700 miles.
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 No limit
ATS No limit
Follow Trucking MP rules do not speed over 75 miles per hour anything over 75 is a race which will not be tolerated, we are here to take spots from other trucking companies.