Company Profile #202674
Tallink Logistics
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Tule ja liitu Ace Logistics meeskonnaga mängus Euro Truck Simulator 2! Oleme realistlikku sõidustiili ja meeskonnatööd hindav kogukond, kus saad panna oma sõiduoskused proovile ning aidata ehitada üht parimat transpordi- ja logistikatiimi. Kui oled valmis vastutustundlikult sõitma, järgima liiklusreegleid ja nautima teekonda koos mõttekaaslastega, siis ootame sind Ace Logisticsis!
Join the Ace Logistics virtual team in Euro Truck Simulator 2! We’re a community that values realistic driving and teamwork, offering you the chance to test your driving skills and help build one of the best transportation and logistics teams. If you’re ready to drive responsibly, follow traffic rules, and enjoy the journey with like-minded players, we’re excited to have you at Ace Logistics
Join the Ace Logistics virtual team in Euro Truck Simulator 2! We’re a community that values realistic driving and teamwork, offering you the chance to test your driving skills and help build one of the best transportation and logistics teams. If you’re ready to drive responsibly, follow traffic rules, and enjoy the journey with like-minded players, we’re excited to have you at Ace Logistics
5 000
10 000
Real + Race
No limit