Company Profile #192571
The company was dissolved!
Naked South

No awards were received.
Welcome to #NakedSouth! - NS.
If you have any questions, please ask us on our discord server linked above or to the left.
You may be wondering, what is Naked South? And if that's something you are interested in, please start out by joining our discord server and reading the following.
But anyways, let's get started. #Naked South/NS is a community that was founded by two wonderful people @SouthernOutlaw and @Nakedlady_Nl. The overall reason for creating a company not only to support ATS - American Trucking Simulator but also Truckers MP. This was set in place to not only help ourselves in giving us more of a reason to play the video game but also having fun including not just ourselves but multiple people. So, if you feel you have not much of a reason to get out on that road then come on and join NS/Naked South and we can keep you within our adventures driving in groups all coming into the picture as one.
We do not tolerate toxic attitudes and behavior.
No religious, racist, spam, derogatory or political talk. Keep it to yourself or leave. We care about everyone. Please report it ASAP, this is not tolerated.
Make sure all loads being done are being logged onto Trucks book.
Maintain and follow the "TRUCKERSMP" Rules & Regulations if you plan on playing Truckers MP.
Have your in-game Company tag set too "Naked South" in a Hot Pink/Purple!
If you have any questions, please ask us on our discord server linked above or to the left.
You may be wondering, what is Naked South? And if that's something you are interested in, please start out by joining our discord server and reading the following.
But anyways, let's get started. #Naked South/NS is a community that was founded by two wonderful people @SouthernOutlaw and @Nakedlady_Nl. The overall reason for creating a company not only to support ATS - American Trucking Simulator but also Truckers MP. This was set in place to not only help ourselves in giving us more of a reason to play the video game but also having fun including not just ourselves but multiple people. So, if you feel you have not much of a reason to get out on that road then come on and join NS/Naked South and we can keep you within our adventures driving in groups all coming into the picture as one.
We do not tolerate toxic attitudes and behavior.
No religious, racist, spam, derogatory or political talk. Keep it to yourself or leave. We care about everyone. Please report it ASAP, this is not tolerated.
Make sure all loads being done are being logged onto Trucks book.
Maintain and follow the "TRUCKERSMP" Rules & Regulations if you plan on playing Truckers MP.
Have your in-game Company tag set too "Naked South" in a Hot Pink/Purple!
No limit