Company Profile #192437
Dardania Logistics
No awards were received.
Dardania Logistics
Nje kompani Shqiptare e transportit dhe logjistikes e cila vepron ne gjithe evropen.
Albanian enterprise of transport & logistics who deserve all europe.
Une entreprise Albanaise de transport & logistique qui désert toute l'europe.
Nje kompani Shqiptare e transportit dhe logjistikes e cila vepron ne gjithe evropen.
Albanian enterprise of transport & logistics who deserve all europe.
Une entreprise Albanaise de transport & logistique qui désert toute l'europe.
No limit
No limit
No limit
Nuk ka obligim apo km minimale, nuk ka kufizim per zgjedhjen e kamionit dhe/ose kufizime ngjyrash, luani kur të doni vet.
No minimum km, no truck and/or color restrictions, play whenever you want.
Pas de km minimum, pas de restriction camion et/ou couleur, jouer quand bon vous semble.
No minimum km, no truck and/or color restrictions, play whenever you want.
Pas de km minimum, pas de restriction camion et/ou couleur, jouer quand bon vous semble.