Company Profile #192276
The company was dissolved!
Greek Style
No awards were received.
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Η Greek Style Team δημιουργήθηκε κυρίως για το επίσημο Multiplayer του παιχνιδιού όπου μπορούμε να παίξουμε με διάφορα Mods και όχι μόνο. 'Oπως και για το TruckersMP.
The Greek Style Team was created mainly for the official Multiplayer of the game where we can play with various Mods and more. Like TruckersMP.
No limit
No limit
No limit
Ο Κανόνας της ομάδας είναι ένας να υπάρχει σεβασμός μεταξύ των μελών της ομάδας
The rule of the group is that there should be respect between the members of the group
The rule of the group is that there should be respect between the members of the group