Company Profile #192255

Starlight Legacy Community

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
Here at Starlight Legacy Community, we are a VTC established on 28 Feb 2024 with the objective to provide a friendly and enjoyable trucking experience to all. It all started with a late night idea. But one day that 1 idea came to life and now we are on that road to building the best community with the best people. We have low members for now as we are still building but we hope you will come on that journey with us and make my idea become real. We have experienced and friendly staff to make every single trip a happy one and we conduct convoys across Truckers MP we tend to stay out the way of the popular routes as some people may lag due to a large amount of trucks from other convoys conducted by other VTCs but time to time we do tend to come across said convoys. We as a community believe in equality, respect and equal understanding of all members in the VTC.
Company Rules
Limit 322 km
Real + Race
ETS2 Limit 161 km
Real + Race
ATS Limit 100 mi
Real + Race
No overtaking!!
No ramming!!
No Blocking of other Road Uses While on convoy!!
No shouting or being offensive over CB Radio or in text chat, This is a "NO"!!
No swerving to people outside of the convoy!!
Whilst registered as an S.L.C Driver you may not be registered within another VTC!!
Always ensure you follow Truckers MP Server rules!!

This is the rules and regulation for our convoys:
Set the GPS to the route Destination.
So if you get Separated from the convoy at any time you will know where we are going!!
If you do get separated from our convoy during an event or drive make sure to follow these 3 steps,
Step 1. - Is it safe to overtake!
Step 2. - Is there's a suitable gap to merge into after the overtake!!
Step 3. - You must follow all the rules without affecting other road users!!

Stay between Lead & Rear truck at all times!!
Allow Pilot cars & convoy control to overtake when needed. Allow plenty of space for them to do so!!
No talking/shouting over people in the voice chat, You Have Been Warned!!
No unsolicited DMs to staff or other server members. If a staff member needs to DM you they will do so or ask you to DM them.
And please Do not jump in on others' troubleshooting threads- please ask your question in the channel and a staff member will start a thread with you to troubleshoot when they are available.
Whilst on a convoy, ensure you stick to formation (e.g. Staying behind the convoy lead etc)
Do Not Pull Over On The Side Of The Road Go Into A Rest Area Or A Gas Station!!

Any drivers found breaking these above rules could have an Official warning and could be removed from the Community !!!
Please remember that each convoy & event we attend will build an online reputation for S.L.C and if you aren't acting professionally,
then this may make us look bad and may result in your Termination with the company!

As Always Stay Blessed And Happy Trucking!!
List of employees [4]