Company Profile #19139

The company was dissolved!

Black Dog Logistic

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
Family oriented and fun so join up and meet new people. Hiring drivers and management opportunity's.
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 No limit
ATS No limit
Trucking Rules

1. Drive like you would on the real road (following speed limits, stopping at stop signs, red lights, etc.)
2. Never should you go over 65 MPH, mainly in zones with speed limit higher than 65
3. Make sure all fuel, incidents, journeys, and repairs are logged.
4. Contracted truckers are not allowed to join in on convoys

General rules

1. Follow Chain of command (Supervisor, GM, president, CEO, Owner)
2. Respect everyone
3. Don't consistently swear (dropping F-Bomb, constantly cursing other words, etc.)
Violation of any of these rules will cause the following


1st offence – Warning
2nd offence – 5 Day Suspension
3rd offence – Banned from company

If banned from truckersMP, you will be consequence accordingly.

If you are to quit, or be fired, you will NOT be able to rejoin the company