Company Profile #188313


Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
You are a VTC that is realistic and follow all state laws and department of transportation laws
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 No limit
ATS No limit
1. Respect everyone and do not harass people or be offensive towards them.
2. No racial slurs, homophobia, or hate speech of any kind. You will be given only one warning before a permanent ban.
3. Please make sure that you post any text in the correct channel, if you're not sure, post in general.
4. Please do not ask for a promotion, they are given out as needed.
5. Do NOT post personal information or pictures of other people.
6. No promoting other Discord servers.
7. Advertising is okay in #stream-promo , but will not allow other Discord server promo.
8. No need to bug staff constantly, we are busy too, be patient. It will be considered spam and you'll be removed from Discord.
9. Do NOT be hateful towards any members, especially our staff team. We are a family and you will be banned
10. Don't be annoying and spam (YOU'LL BE WARNED) and if not followed you might get kicked or banned.
11. Please follow all Discord Terms of Service rules.
12. If you need to be assigned a role, please PM one of the admins with proof and we will assign you that role @everyone
13. Please keep track of your driving hours please don't go over 10 driving hours
List of employees [2]