Company Profile #179887

The company was dissolved!

Puma Haulage

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
Welcome to Puma Haulage

Puma Haulage is new VTC created by 2 friends who love to truck.
If you like ETS or ATS we are the company for you.
With weekly sim server and promods convoys

If you would like to join Puma Haulage please click the "Application" button at the top of the page and copy and past this template
Application Template:

Name -
Age -
A little bit about yourself? -
Why do you want to join? -
Steam Profile Link -
TruckersMP Profile Link -
Discord username -

Management Team will look at your application within 24 hours.

You MUST be in the discord as you apply so we can contact you and finalise the application.

If you need ay assistance please contact the following people @BoardofDirectors @ManagementTeam.

Please also read ⁠rules before applying.
Company Rules
Limit 5 000 km
ETS2 Limit 8 047 km
Real + Race
ATS Limit 5 000 mi
Real + Race
1) No Poaching from other VTC Companies.
2) No more than 4 active bans from TruckersMP.
3) No duel-vtcing, double-logging or managing
4) 1 month probationary period which means you have to do the milage each month.
5) Disrespectful behaviour towards any players/moderators in Truckers MP will not be tolerated always drive within the Trucker MP rules
6) Follow tmp rules at all times regardless if someone else is breaking them DONT LET THEM GET TO YOU
7) We advise you to record when you are active in TMP server's. to protect u from any rule breakers
8) Abuse, bullying, harassment, discrimination, hate speech based on anything, including but not limited to;
9) No spamming any chat with emojis/gifs use the right channel
10) 3 continuous months with no miles will result in a kick
11) Real Miles 62mph/100kph ets 80mph/130kph ATS

Most Important, Have fun whilst being competitive and getting those miles in

These rules can be updated any time without warning