Company Profile #179532

The company was dissolved!

Amazon logistics.

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
On behalf of myself and the company, we would like to welcome you to Amazon Logistics Trucking In this company we offer a dedicated driving service with dependable loads and dependable dispatch Here at Amazon Logistics Trucking You are not a number, you are a person. You are recognized as that with friendly dispatch and friendly management We assure you that your driving experience with our company will be none other than the best So if you think this company is right for you? Come on over And become a driver with Amazon Logistics Trucking
Company Rules
Limit 1 km
ETS2 No limit
ATS Limit 999 999 999 mi
Company rules.

1. No Reckless driving amazon logistics trucking has zero Tolerance for horseplay or reckless Driving.

2. No driver or manager and or owner is allowed to go over the speed of seventy-six miles an hour Any driver caught putting racing miles onto to Amazon Logistics truckbook Will result in immediate dismissal from the company. The only time you are allowed to drive over That speed is when you are empty

3. The speed limit is seventy please do not go over seventy miles per hour

4. Please do not disrespect. Managers and owners, We would please ask that you would treat people. The way that you would like to be treated Everybody gets treated as a friend

5. Abuse
There will be absolutely zero verbal abuse in this server that also goes for the use of obscene language and racial slurs I will not put up with it If you are caught using any kind of misleading racial slurs or sexually-oriented content or verbal contact will result in immediate ban from this server without question.
Here, in this server, everybody is an equal no matter the age, sex, religion race

5. Must obey all D.O.T weight stations if you get the red light, you must pull in. must obey all traffic lights, stop signs

6. Distance.
Please keep your distance from the driver in front of you as there may be periods of time where there may be lag or d sync please keep your distance

7. Nobody under the age of thirteen is permitted to join the server

On behalf of Amazon Logistics tracking again, we would like to thank you And we hope to see you

Company Manager