Company Profile #177756
The company was dissolved!
Blades Trucking Company

No awards were received.
blades trucking was made from blades mods we was think this was a good thing to do for fun and to get drivers to know who blades modding is
No limit

No hate speech, racism, sexist, homophobic or offensive remarks are allowed and will result in an instant and permanent ban. This includes jokes.
No sharing or promoting live streams or videos unless it is something to do with our vtc
No harassment, doxing, bullying or impersonating others.
No politics and No religion. Even satirical or jokes.
No arguing.
No Spam. (Spam is content that is not relevant to the server or room. This includes things like links for things that there is no interest in, posting a lot of times in a row when not in a conversation, oversharing about your personal life or things that are not part of the interest of the group. It is fine to share things that are important to you, but please keep things on topic most of the time. Thanks!)
No advertising or promoting anything
No GoFundMe's / Fundraisers / Asking for free things allowed
No Violent / Overly Profane or Sexual Posts, Images or Video.
Discussion of paid mods is allowed, but directly selling or promoting the sale of mods is not allowed. unless you are blades he is the only one that can post about his mod
No tagging / mentioning (@ their name) other server members more than once or without a good reason.
No sharing or promoting live streams or videos unless it is something to do with our vtc
No harassment, doxing, bullying or impersonating others.
No politics and No religion. Even satirical or jokes.
No arguing.
No Spam. (Spam is content that is not relevant to the server or room. This includes things like links for things that there is no interest in, posting a lot of times in a row when not in a conversation, oversharing about your personal life or things that are not part of the interest of the group. It is fine to share things that are important to you, but please keep things on topic most of the time. Thanks!)
No advertising or promoting anything
No GoFundMe's / Fundraisers / Asking for free things allowed
No Violent / Overly Profane or Sexual Posts, Images or Video.
Discussion of paid mods is allowed, but directly selling or promoting the sale of mods is not allowed. unless you are blades he is the only one that can post about his mod
No tagging / mentioning (@ their name) other server members more than once or without a good reason.