Company Profile #174407

RLIND94 Transport

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
Hey truckers!
Welcome to the official RLIND94 Virtual Truck Company, RLIND94 Transport. A relaxed, laid back community made up of like-minded gamers.
We are always looking for more drivers, so feel free to apply. If you do, please ensure you come to the RLIND94 Gaming YouTube channel.

We don’t have many rules, and most importantly, there is no minimum mileage requirement. Just put the miles in when you want to.
We are also only interested in real miles (not race miles) so please see below for help regarding not going over the speed limits!
Thanks for checking out this page, have a great day, and see you on the road.


-----Guide on how to make sure your miles ALWAYS get logged as REAL miles on TrucksBook-----

1. Go to Options in ETS2 or ATS
2. Go to Gameplay
3. Scroll down to the subsection named TRUCK SETTINGS
4. Make sure that TRUCK SPEED LIMITER is checked
5. Make sure that SMART CRUISE CONTROL is set to Tolerance 0 kmh (o mph)

By having the TRUCK SPEED LIMITER checked, this will stop you from going over 55mph (87kmh).
By having SMART CRUISE CONTROL set to 0 tolerance, this will make sure that the truck constantly stays at the cruise control you have set, even when going downhill gradients.

Race miles DO NOT count towards the companies total in the stats. Real miles are what we need and this will allow you not to have to worry about the journey not counting towards the stats.
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 No limit
ATS No limit
List of employees [1]