Company Profile #174038

The company was dissolved!

CH Internationals group vtc

Chi Vtc
Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
A friendly and relaxed atmosphere for all to unwind and have fun.
Weekly convoys on promods server.
Evening Drives throughout the week.
Try to achieve 2500 miles a month.
We are mainly on ETS-MP.

We have sister company that do ats they are trucky based vtc heavy healing fools
Company Rules
Limit 40 234 km
ETS2 Limit 5 000 km
ATS Limit 2 000 mi
Rules for VTC
1. If you have a problem with something between 23:00 (11pm) and 08:00 (8am please you the ticket system.
2. Don’t talk to other VTC when you are a driver for us.
3. Respect other drivers and management.
4. No personal questions in the main chat but should you have any please write to the person privately.
5. Don’t get race miles more than 3 times in one month.
6. If you leave the VTC you need to delete all mods and skin as these are copy written to the owner.
7. No sexist jokes or remarks.
8. The truck limiter needs to be active.
9. You must have promods to join