Company Profile #172014

The company was dissolved!

A.&W. Continental

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
A & W continental

We are passionate about trucks and take pride in our VTC.

We are a small company based within Scotland Aberdeenshire but we travel all over the UK and Europe on ETS2. We do our best to help each other out, listen to everybody’s ideas and try to make it a friendly VTC for everyone. With a wide range of skills, our staff can help you with most
problems, whether it be personal or technical, we will help.

There are a few rules we wish to make clear before we allow anyone to join.

Bullying others will not be tolerated on this server.
Anyone found to be bullying anyone in this server will be given the boot.

Be active as much as possible on discord.
This is so drivers can keep up with what is happening in the VTC. However we understand everyone has a life off the pc aswell as on.

All join ups will be put on a trial.
This is at the discretion of the owner and non negotiable and will need to completed to be able to join as an full Member.

Keep speed under 62mph.
-We only accept real miles and for that you need to keep your speed under 62mph.

Your discord username must be your actual name or a nickname.

Banter is King
If you can't handle banter don't dish it out.

VTC Skins & Mods
The sharing of VTC Skins & Mods is strictly prohibited, If you are found to be sharing skins with other members of this discord or found to be leaking them outside of this discord you will be instantly removed without warning and we preserve the right to name and shame you for doing so.

Important notice to all members!
Under no circumstances is anyone other than management aloud to invite people onto this server. You will only receive 1 warning for violating this rule!

If you agree to all the information above and would like to become a driver please click on the reaction below that applies to you.
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 Limit 1 000 km
ATS No limit