Company Profile #168685

The company was dissolved!

[UK] Network Logistics Haulage VTC

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
What is Network Logistics Haulage VTC?
Network Logistics Haulage VTC is a Virtual Trucking Company based on Euro Truck Simulator 2 (TruckersMP) that provides a fun and good-atmospheric trucking experience. Whether it is driving in style or driving in convoy, we can guarantee you that you will have a fantastic time in Network Logistics Haulage VTC. Public Convoys to Private Convoys, you will never get bored of the constant developing upcoming VTC.

Why Network Logistics Haulage VTC?
We believe you should choose Network Logistics Haulage VTC as it can and will provide you with a fun and atmospheric experience while trucking. None of that boring convoy stuff, we will host most events, whether it is the odd convoy or a special event of racing. Alongside this, drivers will receive gifts for driving if they become our best driver.
Company Rules
Limit 24 km
Real + Race
ETS2 No limit
ATS No limit
You must speak fluent and proper English. Be atleast 14 years of age and older and own a legal copy of Euro Truck Simulator 2.

All we request of drivers is 3 jobs every 2 weeks. No matter if they are big or small. 3 Jobs is all.