Company Profile #168287

The company was dissolved!

Wolvepack Logistics

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 No limit
ATS No limit
We are a friendly group of players who enjoy Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American
Truck Simulator.

We do our best to help each other out, listen to everybody’s ideas and try to make it a
friendly VTC for everyone. With a wide range of skills, our staff can help you with most
problems, whether it be personal or technical, we will help you as much as possible

We value our Truckers, and we don’t have a limit on how many miles a week you need
to achieve.

We understand everyone has their own difficulties so you
won’t be expected to reach any limits. You drive as much or as little as you like. Just enjoy
the drive and have fun whilst doing it.

we try to attend public convoys most nights but all we ask is that you attend at least 1 a month
we also will have a private convoy twice a month and would like if you could attend at least 1 if not then biggie