Company Profile #166789

BlackDog Logistics Inc.

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Rules
Limit 1 609 km
Real + Race
ETS2 No limit
ATS No limit
Chat - Using chat in a disrespectful manner will result in a kick or ban. If you are unhappy with a person, please discuss it between the two of you privately, if they have broken rules then contact a staff member.

Microphone - A microphone is required to join the Discord. If caught without one you will be kicked and a ban until you prove you have a working microphone.

Poaching of any kind to another community is an automatic ban and removal from the Discord. Under no circumstances should a member invite another member to a discord with inappropriate content.

Other Rules

1.No Impersonation - This includes staff, users, owners or directors.

2.Voice Chat Etiquette - Do not disrupt voice channels or play loud content.

3.No Advertising - Do not advertise other Discords or self-promote. If you're not sure if a link is allowed message a Moderator.

4.Do not harm or threaten anyone - Do not DDoS, DOX, or in any way harm another member. Do not threaten to do any of those things.

5.No Spamming - No character spamming or spam in general. No @mention spamming. Posting emojis randomly counts as spam.

6.No Offensive Messages or Nicknames - Anything that a reasonable person may find offensive.

7.No NSFW content - This includes but is not limited to nudity, bodily fluids, etc. Don't post links to websites or images containing NSFW content.

8.Politics - Strictly no contemporary political talk and memes on the Discord. Exceptions for Military history.

9.No discrimination If you have negative views about a protected group (race, national origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, etc., keep them to yourself.

10. English Only - This is for moderation purposes only.

11. HAVE FUN! That is what this is all about, to have fun.
List of employees [2]