Company Profile #160556

Pwt thermo

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
Danish/Dansk [DK]
Velkommen til Pwt thermo

Vi er et danskejet internationalt VTC grundlagt i 2022, og vi betegner os som et seriøst og ambitiøst VTC.

Vores mål er at ligge i top 10 hver måned. For at dette skal kunne lade sig gøre, ønsker vi kun at have aktive chauffører i vores community.

Hvad tilbyder vi.:
Aktiv discord
Vi har et community der altid er klar til at tage imod nye mennesker.
Vi har ordnede forhold og tager hånd om problemerne, hvis de opstår.
Minimum en intern Convoy om måneden.
Adgang til 24/7 Convoj Server

Hvad forventer vi af dig.:
Mere en 200 timer på steam i ETS
Kører mere end 6000 kilometer pr måned
Ingen RACE km

English/Engelsk [EN]
Welcome to Pwt thermo

We are a Danish-owned international VTC founded in 2022, and we describe ourselves as a serious and ambitious VTC.

Our goal is to be in the top 10 every month. In order for this to be possible, we only want to have active drivers in our community.

What we offer.:
Active discord
We have a community that is always ready to welcome new people.
We have an orderly relationship and take care of the problems if they arise.
Minimum of one internal Convoy per month.
Access to 24/7 Convoj Server

What do we expect of you.:
More than 200 hours on steam in ETS
Drives more than 6000 kilometers per month
No RACE km

External image
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Company Rules
Limit 6 000 km
ETS2 Limit 6 000 km
ATS No limit
1. Overhold altid TruckersMP's regler
2. Opfør dig altid ordenligt overfor andre ansatte i firmaet, samt andre firmaer
3. Chikane eller mobning tolereres ikke, og vil få konsekvenser herunder kan fyring komme på tale
4. Hver måned skal du køre mere 6500 km - ingen RACE Km

English/Engelsk [EN]
1. Always follow TruckersMP's rules
2. Always behave properly towards other employees in the company, as well as other companies
3. Harassment or bullying is not tolerated and will have consequences, including dismissal
4. Every month you must drive more thean 6500 km - no RACE Km
List of employees [1]