Company Profile #155168

The company was dissolved!

Express Transport A/S

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
Danish/Dansk [DK]
Dette er et seriøst firma.

Når du har læst reglerne, skal du sende en ansøgning på TruckBook og tage fat i en Company Management på Discord.

Regelsæt for ETS2 og TruckBook

for at man kan være med i Express Transport A/S skal du være på Discord og være med i Trucksbook, man skal hedde det samme på Discord som man hedder i Trucksbook og i ETS2. Og man skal have læst reglerne.

I ansøgning til TruckBook skal der stå hvor gammel du er, hvorfor du vil være med i Express Transport Denmark og hvor du har fundet os henne.

Hvis man ikke kan følge reglerne eller Company Management anvisninger kan man blive smidt ud af firmaet og kan ikke være med i div arrangementer.

man skal være 14 år
Hold en god tone på chat i Trucksbook
Man skal snakke pænt i Radioen på ETS2 og på Discord.
Der skal ikke tales i munden på hinanden.
Men skal kører pænt når man kører med vores navn.
I Player tag skal der står (Express Transport A/S) og farve skal være rød eller lyserød.
man må ikke kører med vores player tag hvis man kører for et andet firma, er man ikke i firma og kører med vores farve eller player tag og vi ser dette er det ikke længere muligt at ansøgning om at komme ind i firmat.

Have Trucksbook Client tændt når vi kører.
Overholde de regler der er på server 1.
Høre efter hvad en Company Management siger.
Convoys hvor en Company Management deltager har han det sidste ord.
På Discord er der det Trainee, Moderator og admins der bestemmer og man skal følge de regler der er på Discord.
hvis man gentagne gange kører over 100 km/t kan man blive smidt ud af Firma, vi kører som et seriøst firma, men det gælder stadig om at have det sjovt
hvis vi finder ud af at man snyder eller at man bruger et mod til at snyde med bliver man fyret.

English/Engelsk [EN]
This is a serious company.

Once you've read the rules, send an application on TruckBook and get hold of a Company Management on Discord.

Rule set for ETS2 and TruckBook

in order to join Express Transport A/S you must be on Discord and be in Trucksbook, you must be called the same on Discord as you are in Trucksbook and in ETS2. And you must have read the rules.

In the application for TruckBook, you must state how old you are, why you want to join Express Transport A/S and where you found us.

If you cannot follow the rules or Company Management instructions, you can be kicked out of the company and cannot take part in various events.

you must be 14 years old
Keep a good tone in the chat in Trucksbook
You have to talk nicely on the Radio on ETS2 and on Discord.
Do not talk into each other's mouths.
But must drive nicely when you drive with our name.
In the Player tag it must say (Express Transport A/S) and the color must be red or pink.
you must not drive with our player tag if you drive for another company, if you are not in the company and drive with our color or player tag and we see this, it is no longer possible to apply to enter the company.

Have Trucksbook Client on when we drive.
Comply with the rules on server 1.
Listen to what a Company Management says.
Convoys where a Company Management participates, he has the last word.
On Discord it is the Trainee, Moderator and admins who decide and you must follow the rules on Discord.
if you repeatedly drive over 100km/h you can be kicked out of the company, we run as a serious company, but it's still about having fun
if we find out that you are cheating or that you are using a trick to cheat, you will be fired.

vi skal være meget velkommen til at kontakte os på vores Facebook hjemmeside/We are very welcome to contact us on our Facebook website:


Video til TruckersMP =

Video til Trucksbook =
Company Rules
Limit 5 500 km
ETS2 Limit 5 500 km
ATS Limit 3 418 mi
Dette er et seriøst firma.

Når du har læst reglerne, skal du sende en ansøgning på TruckBook og tage fat i en Company Management på Discord.

Regelsæt for ETS2 og TruckBook

for at man kan være med i Express Transport A/S skal du være på Discord og være med i Trucksbook, man skal hedde det samme på Discord som man hedder i Trucksbook og i ETS2. Og man skal have læst reglerne.

I ansøgning til TruckBook skal der stå hvor gammel du er, hvorfor du vil være med i Express Transport A/S og hvor du har fundet os henne.

Hvis man ikke kan følge reglerne eller Company Management anvisninger kan man blive smidt ud af firmaet og kan ikke være med i div arrangementer.

man skal være 14 år
Hold en god tone på chat i Trucksbook
Man skal snakke pænt i Radioen på ETS2 og på Discord.
Der skal ikke tales i munden på hinanden.
Men skal kører pænt når man kører med vores navn.
I Player tag skal der står (Express Transport A/S) og farve skal være rød eller lyserød.
man må ikke kører med vores player tag hvis man kører for et andet firma, er man ikke i firma og kører med vores farve eller player tag og vi ser dette er det ikke længere muligt at ansøgning om at komme ind i firmat.

Have Trucksbook Client tændt når vi kører.
Overholde de regler der er på server 1.
Høre efter hvad en Company Management siger.
Convoys hvor en Company Management deltager har han det sidste ord.
På Discord er der det Trainee, Moderator og admins der bestemmer og man skal følge de regler der er på Discord.
hvis man gentagne gange kører over 100km/t kan man blive smidt ud af Firma, vi kører som et seriøst firma, men det gælder stadig om at have det sjovt
hvis vi finder ud af at man snyder eller at man bruger et mod til at snyde med bliver man fyret.

This is a serious company.

Once you've read the rules, send an application on TruckBook and get hold of a Company Management on Discord.

Rule set for ETS2 and TruckBook

in order to join Express Transport A/S you must be on Discord and be in Trucksbook, you must be called the same on Discord as you are in Trucksbook and in ETS2. And you must have read the rules.

In the application for TruckBook, you must state how old you are, why you want to join Express Transport A/S and where you found us.

If you cannot follow the rules or Company Management instructions, you can be kicked out of the company and cannot take part in various events.

you must be 14 years old
Keep a good tone in the chat in Trucksbook
You have to talk nicely on the Radio on ETS2 and on Discord.
Do not talk into each other's mouths.
But must drive nicely when you drive with our name.
In the Player tag it must say (Express Transport A/S) and the color must be red or pink.
you must not drive with our player tag if you drive for another company, if you are not in the company and drive with our color or player tag and we see this, it is no longer possible to apply to enter the company.

Have Trucksbook Client on when we drive.
Comply with the rules on server 1.
Listen to what a Company Management says.
Convoys where a Company Management participates, he has the last word.
On Discord it is the Trainee, Moderator and admins who decide and you must follow the rules on Discord.
if you repeatedly drive over 100km/h you can be kicked out of the company, we run as a serious company, but it's still about having fun
if we find out that you are cheating or that you are using a trick to cheat, you will be fired.

vi skal være meget velkommen til at kontakte os på vores Facebook hjemmeside/We are very welcome to contact us on our Facebook website:


Video til TruckersMP =

Video til Trucksbook =