Company Profile #150322

The company was dissolved!


Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
Based out of Wagram NC, Moab, CO.
Company Rules
Limit 1 000 km
ETS2 No limit
ATS Limit 1 000 mi

You must agree to the conditions below in order to be accepted into the company. Failure to comply with these policies will result in a ban and blacklist.

SECTION I - General Expectations:

1.) There is zero-tolerance for harassment or bullying on any of our platforms. This is the only warning you will get regarding this matter.
2.) You are expected to follow the guidelines of Discord and TruckersMP.
3.) NSFW content, including nudity or any other form of sexually explicit content are not permitted here.

SECTION II - On The Road Expectations (ATS and TruckersMP)

1.) Ramming other players is not acceptable. If you are involved in a collision, you must provide proof that the accident is not your fault by providing a video clip of the incident to the incident channel.
2.) Obey speed limits, traffic lights, and stop signs.
3.) Modifications to the game's economy are not permitted.
4.) Present yourself in an acceptable manner. You represent our company.

SECTION III - Discord Expectations

1.) Sleeping or going AFK must be done in the #sleeper channel. Users including yourself are muted for your privacy.
2.) Keep chats relevant to the topics at hand. Do not spam channels asking for help. Assistance will be given in the support channel.
3.) Profanity IS allowed, but within reason.
4.) Advertising or self-promotion is not permitted.
5.) Spam of any kind is not permitted.


1st Offense - Server mute for one day. (unless otherwise specified)
2nd Offense - Server mute for one week. (unless otherwise specified)
3rd Offense - Server and company termination. (unless otherwise specified)