Company Profile #149847

GibCargo Virtual Transport

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
A company based in Gibraltar
It's about Logistics and Cargo Transport and local deliveries
For all your needs and requirements we
transport goods Round the World

The Moto of the company
"Taking Care of Business for You"

This is a Virtual Company, not the real thing
Come along for the ride

Thanks for Joining Us
Company Rules
Limit 200 km
ETS2 Limit 100 km
ATS Limit 100 mi
Welcome to - GibCargo Virtual Transport
Where we drive Trucks and Buses in ETS2/ATS2, we try to drive as real as it gets we also
do convoys when online,
Come and Join us at this great driving experience

1. No cheating while doing a cargo load or picking up.
2. Make sure you do at least 5 jobs a month.
3. There are no limits on job distance driven.
4. We try to Drive as real as possible.
5. Any Jobs are allowed.
6. Set the speed limit to 56mph - 90kph in the client.
7. The use of Camera 0 is not allowed when in Transit or in Convoy
8. Respect other drivers with their Load and Route.
9. When in Convoy online YOU MUST acquire the same load as the Admin.
10. We respect SPEED LIMITS and all road markings on all deliveries.
11. Respect your fellow team members on the road and on coms.
List of employees [1]