Company Profile #149600

Death's Express Carriers

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
We are just a laid-back company that just gets jobs done. Enjoy this company, make some new friends, and always remember to have fun. If you are into driving like it's real or even doing outlaw trucking, all are welcome at this company.
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 No limit
ATS No limit
1.) Racism is not allowed whatsoever.
2.) No sexism allowed.
3.) If convoying, do not deliberately try to sabotage someone else's loads.
4.) Creating toxic environments is not allowed.
5.) If you have a complaint about another driver within the company please send a direct message to any Representative or Manager. This goes for moderators or staff in the discord.
6.) Be respectful to other drivers and give drivers within the company the benefit of the doubt when a situation occurs. It's a game on a multiplayer format, Things happen. Get over it.
List of employees [4]