Company Profile #139930

Load Master Trucking LTD

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
Welcome to Load Master Trucking LTD
We are a trucking company that is focused on one thing which is meeting customer satisfaction and as well as climbing up the ladder.

To be one of the biggest companies out there and we can achieve that with you joining us here

We offer good services and you'll be trained along the way. We are good and friendly to all our employees. We also take advice, tips, and suggestions that all employees send us regardless of what position you have. We also promote all hardworking employees on regular basis. Most importantly you are the one who will put us on the map by joining our company, we value you!

To be noticed and separated from other companies during convoys we recommend you drive a New Gen Scania Truck. But you are free to use any truck you like. Note! it is a rule and a must to use our desired paint job. All trucks should use the Grand Tour paint job which can be accessed at any garage in the game, the colors should be a dark blue body coat with 2 white lines on the center of your truck.
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 Limit 150 km
ATS No limit
All staff members must please follow these rules to avoid getting fired or banned.
1. Respect each and everyone regardless of what position they have
2. NO Rasim acts
3. NO Bullying
4. NO Offensive name-calling of any player
5. If you have a problem with any of our managing staff please contact the owner
6. If you break any of the rules you'll be banned and if you break the rules again you'll be fired and blacklisted
7. Hardworking spirit is a must
8. We will constantly view your logbook to check on your performance, low performance without a valid excuse you'll be fired
9. If you have any suggestions on how to improve the company feel free to contact the owner
10. If you encounter any of our team breaking the rules please report them to us
11. No reckless driving
12. Constantly damaging trucks on every trip will lead to a punishment
List of employees [4]