Company Profile #129236

The company was dissolved!

Great Lakes Logistics

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 No limit
ATS No limit
GL Logistics Compliance Policy
July 2021

Purpose Of This Guide
At GL Logistic our main focus is to maintain a work environment that fosters personal and professional growth for all employees. Maintaining such an environment is the responsibility of every staff person as well as all of our employees. Because of their role, managers & supervisors have the additional responsibility to lead in a manner that promotes respect for each person.

It is the responsibility of all staff & employees to:
- Treat each other in a fair manner, with dignity & respect
- Encourage and consider opinions of other employees/members and invite their participation in decisions that impact their work and career
- Encourage growth & development
- Stive as a team for mutual understanding of standards for performance expectations and communicate routinely to reinforce that understanding

When Representing GL Logistics, Staff & Employees should behave appropriately, which presents a professional image to the public and is respectful to others. Excessive use of profanity is neither professional nor respectful and will not be tolerated.

Discipline at GLL shall be progressive, depending on the nature of the issue. its purpose is to identify unsatisfactory performance and/or unacceptable behavior. The stages of discipline can vary anywhere from temporary suspension up to dismissal ( Server Owners Discretion) depending on the severity of the problem.

Performance Appraisals
All employees are responsible for respecting and abiding by the laws of the road as well as ensuring the load being transported is delivered within the given time-frame and without damage. We ask that drivers do their part in keeping their equipment in working order ( minimal/none tractor-trailer damage) . Remember...we want to represent our fleet in the most professional manner possible to expand within the TruckersMP community.

--All Drivers Are Required To Log Their Load On TrucksBook Client--
At GL Logistics we run our fleet logbook electronically through Trucksbook, this allows us as a whole to record, document & delegate fleet functions. This feature also allows management to review the status of a driver to ensure that they are obeying the rules and regulations of the road ( traffic offences, speeding, load damage , inspection reports etc.) . Members of The HR Team & Safety Team will be monitoring this log daily. If there are any questionable descriptions noticed in a drivers log they may be subject to being interviewed by management on the issue, where we can work together to minimize and/or eliminate any future issues.
Accidents Do Happen! Remember to document any incidents or infractions to the best of your ability. Whether it be recorded "dash cam" footage or just reporting it right away to Supervisor/Manager Or Director on the Safety Team or Human Resources department. Do your part to take as much information as possible to help us resolve the issue on time and as well as potentially save yourself from any disciplinary action.