Company Profile #127521

The company was dissolved!

Hard Ass Haulers

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
We don't use truckersmp since Scs came out with their own version of multiplayer. As of right now only 8 people are able to be in one server at a time. Convoy mode is a lot easier to manage than truckers mp. If you see us on convoy mode and their are slots available please feel free to join. They won't be password protected until we get enough active players to apply. We will list the password in discord when that time comes.

We have a limit set to run at least 5,000 miles, real or race, in ATS so you need to download Trucksbook client to count the miles.
Because it is real or race that shouldn't mean everything is ran as race. I just have it set like that because 81 mph does come up fairly quickly so if it does get away from time to time the miles still count.

We don't have a whole set of rules right now as we are just getting started, however when in a server with other players who may or may not be a part of our company please show respect to every player. Please drive with common sense. if doing a convoy, please keep a steady pace so the whole convoy can keep up. recommended cruise should be set at a min of 65mph or max 75-80mph. you are not obligated to join in any convoy in multiplayer mode. If you want to do your own thing please feel free.

Thank you for choosing Hard Ass Haulers. Drive Safely and Arrive On Time!!
Company Rules
Limit 5 000 km
Real + Race
ETS2 No limit
ATS Limit 5 000 mi
Real + Race