Company Profile #126880

Patriotic Trucking

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
Patriotic Trucking is a new upcoming VTC (Virtual Trucking Company). This server was created by two friends, Charles and Tony. The reasoning behind making this server is to spread positivity throughout the American Truck Simulator community. We have received many questions about out company names, and why is that our name, well the reasoning behind out company name is to simply express the pride we have for our country, and the troops that have sacrificed themselves to ensure the safety and freedom of us United States Citizens. If you believe in the protection of your country, and you value your freedom this may be the VTC for you, and we'll be glad to have you!
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 No limit
ATS No limit
Rules of Patriotic Trucking

Here at Patriotic Trucking we do NOT have speed limit regulations. however whenever participating in a convoy you must abide by the speed limit set by the convoy leader. But we ask you all to stay within the speed ranges listed below:
- 0-75mph (0-120kph) while operating a truck.
- 0-85mh (0-136kph) while in a car, without a trailer.
- 0-70mph (0-112kph) while in a car, with a trailer.

Laws of the Road
Here at Patriotic Trucking we ask all employees to abide by the following:
- Properly use the lanes of the road.
- Properly use turning indicators.
- Abide by traffic signals.
- Abide by stop signs.
- Be cautious of other drivers of the road.

Rules of the VTC
The rules of the VTC will be posted in the discord!
List of employees [5]