Company Profile #124525

The company was dissolved!

Adelaide Logistics

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description

Here at Adelaide Logistics our drivers are all owner operators.
We don't tell you how to play your game.
We want to get to know new people and play many games together.
Our focus is on race mode, but real mode players are welcome!

Join us and make your ETS2 & ATS kilometers/miles count!

HQ: Villa San Giovanni


1. Respect everyone in the server. We want to have a nice and friendly atmosphere.
2. Keep swearing to a minimum. We don't mind if you swear on occasion, however, please do not curse excessively.
3. 14+ years old.
4. Do not abuse voice chat.
5. Minimum 50 hours in ETS2 or ATS.
6. Must own official version of ETS2 or ATS.
7. No form of bullying will be tolerated. This also includes racism, discrimination or sexism. Anyone caught engaging in any of these offences will result in your removal.
Company Rules
Limit 20 000 km
Real + Race
ETS2 Limit 10 000 km
Real + Race
ATS Limit 10 000 mi
Real + Race