Company Profile #116937

The company was dissolved!

Code 4 LLC

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
We are a group of truckers her put all seriousness into trucking. By logging every run, job, and journey you may take. Along with certain ranks to allow you to transport certain loads to enhance the realism.
Company Rules
No limit
ETS2 No limit
ATS No limit
1. Must drive realisticly.
2. Must log every drive and trip you take.
3. Staff have the final word. Refrain from arguing or attempting to change the rules of a situation.
4. NO NSFW content, this includes pictures of violence, gore, hate crimes, racism, sexism, or person information.
5. Do not scream or make unpleasant sounds within voice channels. Also includes playing music.
6. Do not leak personal information.
7. Be respectful at all times especially towards staff and new members.
8. English is to be used/spoken only. Use of any other language is frowned upon.
9. Use common sense. You even as a member are here to set an example.