Company Profile #115976
Van Werkheilen B.V.

No awards were received.
Van Werkheilen B.V.
Van Werkheilen or just simply Werkheilen is a virtual trucking company, better said a Family founded in the beginning of 2023 for the reason of giving our drivers to an as close as possible to real life trucking experience. We fully base on realistic driving and trucking procedures but at the same time we try to make it as simple and enjoyable as possible.
Style matters for us. We only us Danish, Greek, Holland and Swedish styled trucks
Family and friendship also matters, and so, we're always trying our best to create the best possible vibe for our beloved drivers.
Van Werkheilen or just simply Werkheilen is a virtual trucking company, better said a Family founded in the beginning of 2023 for the reason of giving our drivers to an as close as possible to real life trucking experience. We fully base on realistic driving and trucking procedures but at the same time we try to make it as simple and enjoyable as possible.
Style matters for us. We only us Danish, Greek, Holland and Swedish styled trucks
Family and friendship also matters, and so, we're always trying our best to create the best possible vibe for our beloved drivers.
No limit

Real + Race
1. General server rules
§1.1. Harrasment, hate speech, discrimination while on the server is strictly prohibited.
§1.2. Advertising or promoting any of the other companies is not allowed.
§1.3. English is the only language we use, please keep it in mind.
§1.4. Don't create unnecessary arguments, notify staff in the case of an incident.
§1.5. Staff always have the last word.
§1.6. Avoid unnecessary spamming and pinging
§1.7. Respect everyone on the server.
2. Company rules
§2.1. Joining and leaving under a short period of time is not allowed. Leaving before spending 2 months in the company will result in a 1-4 month ban depending on the discretion of the management
§2.2. Due to us focusing on realism, drive according to the laws, and avoid accidents, fines, etc. In multiplayer, avoid being banned.
§2.3. Keep it 90, we are not racing.
§2.4. Don't leak discreet from the company, doing so will result in a permanent ban
§2.5. Dual VTC-ing is not allowed and if found out, permanent ban is the punishment
§1.1. Harrasment, hate speech, discrimination while on the server is strictly prohibited.
§1.2. Advertising or promoting any of the other companies is not allowed.
§1.3. English is the only language we use, please keep it in mind.
§1.4. Don't create unnecessary arguments, notify staff in the case of an incident.
§1.5. Staff always have the last word.
§1.6. Avoid unnecessary spamming and pinging
§1.7. Respect everyone on the server.
2. Company rules
§2.1. Joining and leaving under a short period of time is not allowed. Leaving before spending 2 months in the company will result in a 1-4 month ban depending on the discretion of the management
§2.2. Due to us focusing on realism, drive according to the laws, and avoid accidents, fines, etc. In multiplayer, avoid being banned.
§2.3. Keep it 90, we are not racing.
§2.4. Don't leak discreet from the company, doing so will result in a permanent ban
§2.5. Dual VTC-ing is not allowed and if found out, permanent ban is the punishment