Company Profile #113125

Kings Heavy Haulage | LTD

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description

King Heavy Haulage is a VTC that has recently been founded in March 2021 by Owen and Exotic. We are a VTC which aspires to become one of the friendliest and biggest VTC on the truckers MP community! We are a striving company who are to make sure whoever walks through those doors get the best Virtual Trucking Experience you can possibly get on the network. An amazing part about this VTC is that it offers Dutch players to come and speak their own language and feel comfortable! Also a 1000km will need to be completed every month, any problems feel free to message HR or any other staff member. If you'd like to join the VTC as a driver, you will have to fill a application form on our website/trucks-book. If you get accepted, you will be sent straight to HR and they will take you through the joining procedures on this amazing journey!
Company Rules
Limit 1 000 km
Real + Race
ETS2 Limit 1 000 km
Real + Race
ATS No limit
External image
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- Must be at least 14 years of age
- Must not be banned at the time of applying
- Must be able to write and understand English
- Musn’t be in any other VTC at the time of applying
- Must have a minimum playtime of 70 hours on ETS2/ATS or combined
- Must be serious enough to be able to pass the activity requirement (monthly goal limit)

*** Please keep in mind, meeting all the requirements DOES NOT guarantee acceptance. To have a better chance at being accepted, make sure your application is written properly and with great care. ***
List of employees [4]