Company Profile #104506

The company was dissolved!

Carnage Industries

Company Management
Awards 0
No awards were received.
Company Description
Just a group that loves to Truck and hang out. Age 21 + , 2k miles per month Unless real life issues arise. Discord and mic Required.
Company Rules
Limit 2 000 km
ETS2 Limit 2 500 km
ATS Limit 2 000 mi
Respect others. Treat all other players with dignity and respect. Be respectful of other members of the community, their abilities, their contributions, and any extra duties they perform to keep the community running.
- We all play to have fun. Don't ruin it for other people. It is you, and not the Clan, who is primarily responsible for whether you are having fun or not.
- Immature and infantile behaviour is not tolerated. We aren't here to baby sit you.
- You are part of a community. Self Abosorbed Egos will be shown the way out.
- Not everyone will agree with everyone else. conflict will inevitably arise. As adults, members are expected to either try to resolve disagreements with other players civilly, privately and independently. Failing that, try to work around it. Approach an moderator for assistance if you have exhausted all other options.
-Drama will not be tolerated. Disagreements or other behaviours which become disruptive are unacceptable.
- Do not engage in any activity that will bring the community name into disrepute. Behaviours such as spamming, trolling, begging, flaming, or other anti-social actions are not acceptable.
- Do not use gratuitous or explicit language. Justifiable mature language and conversation is to be expected in a clan of adults.
- Abusive, threatening, discriminatory, or prejudicial behaviour of any form is expressly forbidden and will be met with immediate expulsion from the Discord/Channel. Intentionally vexatious, obstructive, malicious, hostile, aggressive, or insulting behaviour is not acceptable.
-Pornography/NSFW content is no permitted in discord or on vehicles in community events.
-No Policial/Religion discussion, Discussions such as these ruin friendships and disrupt communities
- For the most part our clan is Teenagers and adults, we do allow minors as long as they adhere to our rules.
- Age 18+
- No race miles Unless trucksbooks is closed
Follow the Rules and Code of Conduct at all times. This creates the infinite recursive loop of order.